Love, Joy, Peace...
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What areas are you interested in serving with?
Select one or more item and the church office will contact you with additional details
Acolyte (2nd-6th graders), Sunday mornings, training provided
Altar Team, seasonal, work with worship team and Pastor Katya
Connections Team, provide greeting and ushering on Sunday mornings
Hospitality Team, set up and oversee drinks and snacks first and third Sunday morning
Laundry Ministry, serve with the community at a local laundromat last Friday of the month
Liturgist, assist in worship by reading scripture and prayer
Office Support, volunteer at the office for clerical work
Prayer Team, pray for others on Sunday mornings at 9am or on the first Sunday of the month at 11am
M&Ms dinners, set up or clean up, every Thursday 5:30-7pm
Visitation Team, visit home bound folks to provide the care and love of Jesus Christ
Building Maintenance Crew, help with projects around the building
Connecting Threads, serve with Otterbein students and teach them to knit, sow, crochet and more
Prepare meals for YWCA, quarterly
Coffee Ministry with Otterbein students, Monday mornings, 8 am-10 am
Transport folks from Westerwood to and from Worship on Sunday Mornings
Other gifts you'd like to share, list details below
List any additional comments or information.